Recipe Nut- A Time Saving Help

About Recipe Nut

What is it?
Your Personal Recipe Box
It’s a one-of-kind website that allows you to personally collect and manage all of your recipes, even those you find on other websites. It’s also a community for those who are nuts about food and recipes. So it’s a super way for finding great recipes and sharing yours.

Why use it?
Save Recipes From Any Site
Tired of having recipes scattered across many websites? Now you can simply add a recipe link from any website to one recipe box.

Add Personal Recipes
Have some crazy creations? Family favorites? Easily add them to your recipe box and share with everyone.

All of Your Recipes in One Place
Nutty idea right? No more juggling between recipes stuck in folders, recipes on your computer and recipes on several different Websites.

This is a wonderful resource and time saver. I love all the catagories for recipies such as; Kid-Friendly, Under 30 mintes, budget-friendly, and many more.

It is easy to sign up. And best yet it is free!

Here is an example of a easy kid recipie for Easter

3 tbsp light butter spread, melted
4 c mini marshmallows
6 c. crisped rice cereal
1-3 tbsp extra butter

1 dozen plastic Easter Eggs, washed and dried, then the insides buttered

MELT the butter in a dutch oven,add marshmallows and melt over medium high heat, stirring constantly

Add cereal and stir to coat completely using buttered hands, fill the large side of the plastic egg to overflowing, allowing about 1-2 inches of the mixture to be mounded up close the small end of the egg to the big end to seal, and make sure they close secruely – if they pop open, the egg will likely come apart
allow to cool for 2-4 minutes then remove the molded egg onto a plate decorate with sprinkles, jelly beans, chocolate drizzle, etc

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