ENDED~~"AR-15 Vertical" T-Shirt Giveaway {Ends 6/23}

I know my boys would go "head-over-heals" for these kinds of shirts. I am a low violence kind of mother, you know the type. The ones that don't allow violent TV, movies, or video games in the home.

I am positive that my boys would think that these T-shirts were the best thing since sliced bread. I actually like the design of these T-shirts. 

Now don't get me wrong, I see nothing wrong with defending your home and family. I am not anti-gun, even though I do not have one in the home. Although, the worse our neighborhood gets, the more apt I am to be thinking it might be a good idea. Responsibility and choice are the two key words in any decision.

Anyhow, that was way off topic, I still do like the looks of these T-shirts and I still know my boys would kill to have one. (Yep, pun intended)

So, enter now to win this unique T-shirt! Don't forget to read SaraLee's voice and opinion on her review. She and her family are not ones you want to be sneaking up on, in the middle of the night,LOL.

This Review & Giveaway is done by SaraLee's Deals Steals & Giveaways

If you love the AR-15 assault rifle, then you have come to the right place.

Around these parts, we love our guns. We're not crazy rednecks shooting our bullets in the air and yelling obscenities at the government (not that there's anything wrong with that.) We are responsible gun owners who adhere to the tenets of the Constitution. We cherish our 2nd Amendment rights, and we are dedicated to defending our freedoms at vehemently as we would our home and lives. 

This Online Store is not only dedicated to a certain type of rifle that we absolutely appreciate and respect, but also to the fact that we have the right to defend ourselves as we see fit. Some people call the cops... I call my friend, the AR-15 Assault Rifle.

Our decision to pick the AR-15 to glorify as the premier of home defense rifles was an easy one for us. There are so many advantages to owning an AR-15, that it would be hard to list them all here... but I can surely try. 

The number one thing I love about the AR-15 is the was the weapon can be customized for any situation. My personal rifle is equipped with a fore-grip, a blinding strobe, and a very nice red-dot sight. My oldest son's rifle is outfitted in an almost completely different way. The weapon is light, extremely accurate, and very powerful. As far as home-owned rifles go, not many people would argue that the AR-15 is one of the best produced.
 My husband wore his shirt Saturday night when he went on a motorcycle ride with his friends. He loves the style and fit of the shirt. His friends all liked the shirt too. With this company you can get the best cheap gun tee shirts by far.

Now for the giveaway: One lucky person will win "AR-15 Vertical" T-Shirt in black in your chosen shirt size (small through extra-large). 

This is open to the US only and ends 6/23 @ 11:59 pm est. To enter, simply do the tasks on the Rafflecopter widget below and you're set to have a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Personally I prefer short sleeved shirts.

Anonymous said...

I like the shirt that say Say Hello to My Little Friend.

Anonymous said...

I prefer short sleeved shirts.

ashlee walls said...

MY DOG IS THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES AR-15 SHIRT is just perfect and i love to wear short sleeves

Scott Schluter said...

short sleeves, i run hot

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