ENDED~~Funsical Fitness Giveaway

Wanna spend more quality time your kiddos? Exercising both their minds and their bodies?

Then Funsical is what you have been waiting for!

I was recently given the opportunity to review the Funsical fitness program for kids and let me tell you it was awesome! Not only were my kids entertained, but doing the exercises with them, I began to “feel the burn” as well. As we marched around the room doing various imaginary scenarios, the kids and I laughed and had a great time, all while moving and doing exercises. Funsical turns the epitome of boring exercise “crunches” into the opening and closing clams and bicycle kicks to riding away from danger, you are transported to an imaginary world where exercising is actually fun. There are few times in life when we get to be kids again, but playing and doing Funsical with my kids, I felt five again. While I was five again pretending to be a shark I also got to spend time with my kids in an activity that I know is both good for them as well as me.

This low impact exercise program can be done at any pace so it is also great for grandparents to do with their grand kids!

“This is FUNSICAL a progressive sequence of Movement, Music and Language development activities to keep children consistently Moving and Improving!

This program is GUARANTEED to improve children's physical, mental and emotional strength and conditioning, as well as language comprehension, concentration, behavior and speaking skills.

Through our Funsical School training programs, audio recordings, coordination kits and curriculum materials children will learn the progressive steps that will give them opportunity to practice the developmental activities that build the skills necessary for achieving optimum proficiency and potential success in athletics, music, drama, dance, sports, speech, and academics.

Funsical offers children a simple, comprehensive sequence of activities for building strength, balance, endurance, character, confidence and coordination while learning to identify, comprehend and speak the basic terminology of the English language. It utilizes developmentally appropriate movement, vocalization, sensory integration, drama, humor, athletics, music, rhythm and dance techniques developed by a variety of professional educators, medical professionals, speech, occupational and physical therapists to enhance children's motor, cognitive and social-emotional development.”

Now that you have read all about the program why don’t you try it out for yourself? How about you win a copy of the Level 2 audio program for yourself and your kids!!

 Click Here to enter!!!

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