Yucatan Dead by D.V. Berkom #Book Tour, Review, & $50 Amazon GC Giveaway

Yucatan Dead by D.V. Berkom

 She was a dangerous man's lover...now she's his dangerous enemy.


For Kate Jones, being on the run from her former lover--the vicious leader of a Mexican drug cartel--was never going to be easy. But with a new identity, a new lover, and a new life in Arizona, she was beginning to believe she'd made it through the worst.

Then, in an act of twisted revenge, Kate's kidnapped and imprisoned by her deadly enemy, his intention to force her to pay back the money she stole before he kills her.

Fate intervenes and she finds herself working against the cartels deep in the Yucatan with a group of off-the-grid commandos. From peaceful northern Arizona to the steamy jungles of Mexico, Kate Jones must decide for herself if she'll continue to run...

...or turn and fight the evil that pursues her.

Buy Links for Yucatan Dead: Amazon * Smashwords * B&N * iTunes *

THE STENCH OF DECAY ROSE from the unforgiving mattress as I shifted to a sitting position. My breath caught as sharp pain lanced through my body from the effort. I ran my hands over my torso, checking for injuries.

Good, no blood.

The watery gray light from a high window covered in metal bars illuminated the block walls that formed my prison. Musty air gave way to a whiff of mold and mildew, reminding me of an old flooded cellar. The thugs who brought me here had masks over their faces and smelled of stale cerveza and garlic, a familiar and unwelcome aroma.

Judging by what I saw in the short trip from the cargo van to the hulking concrete building, I was somewhere in the tropics. Dieffenbachia and philodendron grew in wild profusion while aggressive vines climbed stately royal palms, choking the life out of them. The air oozed damp.

How the hell did you wind up here, Kate? Abduction wasn't an entirely foreign event in my life, it's just that it hadn't happened in a while. Groggy from drugs and a vomit-inducing flight tied up in the back of a Cessna, pictures of a woman with short, blonde hair and familiar green eyes skated through my mind. Tired and disoriented, I couldn't catch and hold the images to remember her name.

That didn't stop the incipient panic sliding up my throat.

Footsteps broke through the fog in my brain and a curious cockroach I'd been watching disappeared through a hole in the bricks. I wished I could make myself that small and follow it, but it appeared my fairy godmother had taken the day off.

"...an unrelenting thriller of a tension-filled novel...Yucatan Dead is the stuff of which blockbuster movies are made...very highly recommended..." ~ Midwest Book Review

"...Yucatan Dead is a gripping thriller with a gutsy heroine and a tightly woven plot; it will no doubt please Berkom's current fans and gather more." ~ Pacific Book Review

"...Yucatan Dead ratchets up the tension from the start as Kate deals with hit women, warring Mexican drug cartels, and unofficial paramilitary organizations. Survival is never a given..." ~ Big Al's Books 'n Pals

DV Berkom is a slave to the voices in her head. As the author of two bestselling thriller series (Leine Basso and Kate Jones), her love of creating resilient, kick-*ss female characters stems from a lifelong addiction to reading spy novels, mysteries, and thrillers, and longing to find the female equivalent within those pages.

Raised in the Midwest, she received her BA in political science from the University of Minnesota and promptly moved to Mexico to live on a sailboat. Many, many cross-country moves (and several years) later, she now lives just outside of Seattle, Washington with the love of her life, Mark, an ex-chef-turned contractor, and writes every chance she gets.

For more information, please visit her website at www.dvberkom.com.

Social Media Links: Facebook  * Twitter  * Website  * Blog * Pinterest

Amazon Author Page: US: http://amzn.to/oMUb1Z and UK: http://amzn.to/pBwClD

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Steph said...


Unknown said...

Paris. I have always dreamed of going there!

melissa cushing said...

I would want to go to Bora Bora..... or Tahiti??? Beautiful!!!

DV Berkom said...

Thanks so much for featuring Yucatan Dead! :-)


Courtney Kronk said...

Monaco for the Monaco Gran Prix!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good book.

Juliee said...

I would travel to Edmonton to see my son .

Rich Meyer, harbinger of Chaos said...

Monster Island, of course.

ilookfamous said...

I'd backpack across Europe and the UK! Omg, the history of it all makes me quiver!

MomJane said...

Fascinating and exciting excerpt.

Natasha said...

Germany or Finland!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I'd like to go to Hawaii

Nassep said...


collenga said...

Somewhere tropical like the Bahamas of the Cayman Islands...

Anonymous said...

I want to go to Hawaii for the whole summer.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

Oh, what an interesting premise! I want to read the book to find out whether she chooses to fight or flee :)

Ramon Rojas said...

Europe, Pacific Islands, New Zealand. I love travel and know the world !!!

DVBerkom said...

Congratulations to Stephanie W, who won the $50 Amazon gift certificate! Thanks everyone for participating in the giveaway. It was great fun :-) And a special thanks goes out to Goddess Fish Promotions--you guys ROCK.

All my best,

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