Went to a Unique Garage Sale Today...

The garage sale was something we came across, only because the small town next to us had a parade today. This sale had signs on a few corners, but the sign said "50 cent sale!"  I decided to go to the parade and maybe, just maybe see the sale later. I mean, really, who would believe a sign like that.

So, a while later we meander up to the sale. Nobody was there but the person running the sale. The townsfolk either didn't see the signs or were to busy with after-parade activities. Here is what I got at the sale.

 3 Winter Jackets and 1 Fall Jacket (all in close to mint condition)

 2- different sized body "floaty" suits and 2 sweatshirts for the little one, for when it gets colder.

 A fabric barn which holds 5 animals, a Alligator?? hand puppet, and a Noah's Ark finger puppet set.

 Here is the fabric barn with a closeup of the animals. (Mule, Horse,Cow, Pig, and Sheep)

And the Noah's Arc Finger puppets. You should be able to see the Velcro on the Ark, that is what holds the puppets on. And the "Alligator-ish" hand puppet is in the picture as well.

We also picked up 3 little toy cars, a Winnie the Pooh plastic plate, 2 shoebox storage containers, and a huge wooden recipe box  that I did not take a picture of. Grand total at the garage sale was


Then we went back towards the park where the town was celebrating. Somehow I ended up in a cake walk. (I blame my kids!) Sure enough I won and I chose the following for my win.

Its hard to tell from the picture but the four beanbag Mickey's are sitting in a fabric bucket. The bucket is designed to replicate Mickey's pants. Call me Crazy, but I love this!

Don't know why this was even an option to win at the cake walk. But they had choices of stuffed animals or cookies. Such an odd litle town!


Mommy Bags said...

Wow that is amazing good deal. Found you on MBC would love it if you could come by and say hello!
Ciao mama's

Debbie said...

I love a good garage sale! That Mickey toy is so adorable. I am with you I love it.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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