My Baby Compass Review Opp Sign Ups! HURRY & SIGN-UP

Here is a GREAT Opportunity for mom or soon-to-be moms, to review "My Baby Compass!!!!"

Birth to Age 7
My Baby Compass is looking for bloggers to review their books! This is a series of books educating you on using sign language for your children, advising you on the milestones your child should be approaching and includes learning activities for you and your child to enjoy.

It thoroughly covers identification of skills and activities in the areas of: speech (talks), hearing (hears), physical (moves), cognitive (understands),social/emotional (feels) and vision (contains skills only).

From Taryn at Mom of One and Having Fun:
"I have reviewed it myself and I love it. I use it on a regular basis with my baby. My book I have is Birth to Two includes: feeding routines, how babies learn,,developing speech sounds, understanding baby’s cries, vocabulary development, appropriate toys & activities, nursery rhymes, finger plays, music selections, recommended web sites,using sign language (144 sign illustrations) and parenting resources. There is also Ages 2-4 and 4-7.

Visit: and/or my review to see if this is something you could truly use!"

There is a 200 cap limit for reviews, so hurry and fill out the form!
Also you do need to know which book is the right fit for you to review, as it is one per household!

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