"Separation Anxiety" By Lisa Suzanne #CoverReveal & Giveaway

Separation Anxiety
Lisa Suzanne
Release Date: February 4th, 2014


We all get one true love in our lives, and it’s up to us to find it. Fate will act and try to push us together, but ultimately it’s up to us to recognize who that one person is when he’s standing in front of us.

It turns out that I recognized who my one person was when I was separated from my husband.


On the same day I determined that I was finally going to file for divorce, I confessed my secret to Jesse Drake, my swoon-worthy colleague known for his womanizing ways. Jesse invited me to crash with him, and with each new piece of the enigmatic Jesse puzzle that I started to fit into place, I found myself wondering if Fate had pushed us together for a reason.

If only my husband would stop getting in the way of the man with whom I was meant to be.

About the AuthorLisa Suzanne is a high school English teacher who lives at home in Arizona with her amazing husband and adorable yellow lab. She loves summer more than her students do.

Lisa Suzanne's debut novel is Book 1 in the HE FEELS TRILOGY. HOW HE REALLY FEELS is available on Amazon!
US Link:
UK Link: http://amazon.co.uk/dp/B00CVEMV1E

Did you enjoy HOW HE REALLY FEELS ? Look for Travis's story in Book 2 of the HE FEELS TRILOGY, WHAT HE REALLY FEELS, now LIVE on Amazon!
US Link:
UK Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FKP37FA

Visit my official website: http://www.authorlisasuzanne.com
Find me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLisaSu...
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LisaSuzanne24
Check out my Etsy Swag: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AuthorLisaS...(less)
Enter To Win:
$20 Amazon Gift Card
{2} Separation Anxiety Paperback - upon release Feb. 4 (US Only) [Separation Anxiety is a standalone novel]
{3} Kindle Copies of How He Really Feels (He Feels, Book 1) - Lisa Suzanne's first published novel
{3} 4-Pack of Signed Lisa Suzanne Bookmarks (including SEPARATION ANXIETY) (US Only)

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1 comment:

Lisa Suzanne said...

Thank you for participating in my blog tour! <3

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