Our Wolves Den

Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts

DIY Ice Packs~~2 Different Ways

DIY Ice Pack Recipe

 Select Ziploc bag size of choice (double or triple bag to protect against leaks).

 Get a big bottle of cheap dish soap.

rubbing alcohol 

  Load up the Ziploc about 1/2 – 3/4 full. Close the bag a couple of times squishing out the air each time. Freeze.

Or here is another one

3 cups water
1 cup rubbing alcohol

Note: The more alcohol you use, the softer the pack will be, making it 
more gentle on injuries than an ice pack.

More Great Crafts

Here are just a few of the great ideas from Serving Pink Lemonade. I love the simple marble game and the make and take playmats! There are so many wonderful ideas and she even gives you patterns so that you can easily create these.

More Cute Crafts

All of the following have downloadable tutorials, these all came from Chez Beeper Bebe. There are many more plus alot of great project ideas.

Make it: Kids Hoodie Towel Wrap


1 extra large bath towel –animal print

2 washcloths towel – tan color

Sewing machine

Upholstery weight needle

Matching thread

Sewing pins

Felt squares – tan

Hand Sewing Needle


Pin the two washcloths together on two sides so that the pins form an L-shape. Sew along the pined edges approximately 1/2" from edge using an upholstery weight needle. Lengthen the stitch length if it is difficult to get through the thickness.

Lay the large bath towel on the work surface and mark the center of one long edge of the bath towel with a pin. Working with right sides to right sides, align the stitched seam of the hood with the center of the towel and pin in place along the edge. Stitch the hood to the towel approximately 1/2" from the edge.

Add ears by cutting 2 triangle shapes from bits of felt and hand whipstitch the ears to the towel on both the right and left side of the center seam on the hood portion of the towel wrap.

Make it: No-Sew Baby Yoga Mat


Fleece – green and brown

1/2” foam




1. Prewash and dry your fabric before starting. Cut the foam into a 24” x 36” piece. Cut a piece from each of your fleeces that is 30” x 42”. (To make a mat with your own dimensions, cut the foam to the desired size of your mat, and cut the fleece to that dimension plus six inches.)

2. Lay down one of your pieces of fleece. (If the fleece has a right and a wrong side, the wrong side should face up.) Center the foam on top of the fleece, and place the second piece of fleece on top of the foam, right side up (if applicable).

3. Cut a 3” square from each corner, cutting through both layers of fleece but not cutting through the foam. Lay your yardstick on top of the mat so that the yardstick edge is flush with the edge of the foam. Make cuts through both layers of fleece at one-inch intervals, stopping when you reach the foam. Do this on all four sides.

4. Use an overhand knot to tie the green fringe and the brown fringe together along all four sides of the mat.

5. To care for the mat, remove the fleece by untying the knots and wash. Place the foam in between to two pieces of fleece and retie the knots.

Quick Sewing Idea: Bath Time Puppets

This idea is from: Cathie Filian's website


1 hand towel

embroidery floss

felt scraps

embroidery needle


sewing machine

permanent marker


1. Choose a hand towel and felt in colors appropriate for each puppet.

2. Fold the towel in half end to end. Place a hand on the folded towel with your arm pointed toward the towel ends and a finger pointed toward the fold. Spread your pinky and thumb as far as possible and, with a wide stroke (approximately 1-1/2" from your hand), trace around your hand (like a hand turkey) with the marker.
3. Cut through both layers of the towel on the traced line and pin for sewing. Sew around the puppet, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance; leave the bottom part of the puppet open for your hand.

4. Clip the curves of the seam allowance to increase flexibility and turn right side out.

5. Adding features is the place to get creative. Cut circles for eyes, funny noses, floppy ears, etc. Hand-stitch with embroidery floss and add extra details with a simple satin stitch.