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Showing posts with label Showing You Care/Helping Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Showing You Care/Helping Others. Show all posts

Will You Join Me In The Bunny Box Campaign?!

With Easter not that far away, I was afforded the wonderful opportunity to take part in a Bunny Box Project

I am sure you are asking yourself, "What in the world are Bunny Boxes?". Well, it is a heartwarming giving campaign being put together and ran by a fantastic group of people and community at The "Beetle" Mission: Honest Help by Honest People, Honestly

Here are the basics of the Bunny Box Campaign: 

The Beetle Mission will be providing Bunny Boxes for families that need help this Easter. The recipients will fill in a brief application and tell us the age and gender of each child. The family size and location. No pictures will be in the album for the safety of the children on a public page. 

A sponsor can pick a family and supply the box and we will leave a message saying sponsored by or sponsors can donate whatever they would like by way of sending items by mail to a board member or donate through paypal. They can send to the board member who lives closest to them, to keep shipping cost minimal.

 Beetle Mission covers the whole United States. Each board member will fill and ship Bunny Boxes to families near them with items donated. The reason behind this is many of us have been on help pages where children have lost sponsors or they forgot and the night before everyone is scrambling to find something to ship. This way we fill and ship each box to guarantee the family gets help. This is our first year at doing this and hopefully come Christmas time we will do stockings the same way. 

Why would anyone do this is another question, right along with how can I trust. I battled with the trust issue for only a mere few seconds. I am comfortable in the fact that this is very genuine and many kids will have a Easter that is better for it.

Now, as everyone should know our funds in the household are very tight, but I know that I can at the very least contribute items to help a deserving and struggling family have a Happy Easter. I am sure that I can pick things up on sale, quality items at the dollar store, etc. Throwing spare change in a jar for only a week can even add up to do something.

Most of us have experienced hard times, where we don't know how we are going to pull off the next round of holiday gifts. I wish that we had this kind opportunity offered so many times through the years. And with experiencing these same struggles, comes the faith and want to help others when I can. 

All of us have heard of Toys For Tots and campaigns by huge organizations that help families at Christmas, but how many step in on the other holiday's? Or with the state that our nation is now in, who actually steps up to even try to do something like The Beetle Mission is doing? Our nation is one that avoids our neighbors, it should be a time of coming together and helping one another.

Honestly, it doesn't take much to be able to participate in the Bunny Box Campaign: Just a few dollars, a few items, a few pieces of candy, etc. But MOST of all it takes a HUGE heart! I know that we all a HUGE heart and that you will look into joining this campaign.

I know that I bought some extra Easter items on sale last year, along with some deals found after the Christmas holidays. These can easily be donated to this campaign. 

As time goes on I plan on updating the progress of the Bunny Box Campaign, with posts and pictures of items that I am personally sending out.

So, please if you have made it to this point in this post, consider joining by going to The Beetle Mission and checking out the information. I would be happy to get you any information that you may want, all you have to do is ask.

Last but certainly not least.