Our Organizing Binder

So, I have decided to finally take one of our unused binders and make it into Organization Tool. This is where I am going to place everything I am going to need to run our home, with frugality in mind.

The categories or sections I have decided to include are the following:

* Housekeeping/Chores - this will include one each of a daily list,weekly list, and monthly list. A chart showing homemade cleaning solutions. A chart for each child showing his/her daily chores. And then a pocket folder for putting tips and such I print out.

* Calendar  This includes a weekly calendar of events ( not having to do with curriculum), a monthly calendar. Then a calendar for the kids. Not sure if I will use Eco-Calendars or Reading is Fundamental Calendars or both. I may end up finding something else I like too, who knows.

*Menu/Meal Planning Section- This will not only include our weekly meal plan. But will have a folder so that I can add recipes I print out or find elsewhere. In this section also is where all my weekly food ads will go. I will have a shopping list. And also a list of things I already have, like a pantry list. This is also where I will store my coupons.

* There will be a section for my hobbies. This is where our monthly Michaels Kids Club Calendar will go. Along with any project ideas that seem like fun will be placed.

*The homeschool section will include our curriculum list overview. Then it will be broken down with each child's daily,weekly, and monthly assignments. The materials for our large projects that all 3 of them do together will be placed here. Each child will have their own folder that will have that days assignments in them. These will be placed back in binder at the end of the day for me to check. The homeschool section will also have a calendar in it for each month so that we can track library and other field trips.

*There will be a church section- I will update what will be in it as I figure that out...

So there it is a rough draft of what the project for organizing is going to be for the next few days. Would love any comments on how others do this. Or what they add to make life simpler.

Here are a few links to some helpful household printables:

Donna Young has many helpful printables, including homeschooling forms.

My ParenTime has printable checklists of all kinds

Organized Home has some wonderful printable forms

Homeschool Forms

I will update as I find more links to wonderful printables..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This sounds great! I wish that I was that organized.

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