Two Days Of Nature Studies & Walks (Part One)

We decided to begin our first nature study, and wow did they really get into it. I think the fact that I let them take some of the pictures helped in adding to the excitment. We stated our journey very close to home, at the Middle School's Lot across the street from us. They have some trees that run the length of the train tracks on the other side. So, its a little like a mini-nature preserve.

My daughter took this picture of a violet. I think she did a fantastic job of getting a close-up. I have always told the kids not to ever touch my camera, but I have now had a change of heart. They have taken some GREAT pictures, also I never realized that they have a unique perspective on what they think should be photographed.

They have taught me to see beautiful things in the most simple objects. A weed is what some people would call this violet,but in the picture she took you can see how pretty it is.
 Sometimes, we get lucky and have a great photo, that otherwise would have been missed. I love this one, it shows how "silly" he can be. A moment that might of been missed had we not been doing this nature walk.
 My daughter also snapped this one, I believe it is from a cherry-tree.

 My daughter decided to climb a tree, I immediately took advantage of the time to take this snapshot.

 Then my son decided to "pose" for the camera. I actually love these pictures!

 "Cheeky-Monkey" was not able to climb the trees but that didn't stop his brother and sister from placing him in the crook of one. Trust me when I say it may look like he is going to fall, we were all there making sure he wouldn't.

 Here "Cheeky" is checking out the foilage. I think he really enjoys touching and exploring all the things we come across.

 My son found a stump that he wanted to get an imprint of the rings. Later I am hoping he will study what all the rings of this stump have to tell him.

 The two pictures above are of some mushrooms that we came across.

 This was part of a limb on a tree, the woodpecker whole was what made this unique. I was trying trying to get "fancy" and take the picture through the wood-pecker whole.

 This is a picture that was snapped "blindly". We knew that there was a hole in the tree-limb, but had no clue what until we got home.

 The kids loved the design on this boulder they came across. I would probably never noticed it had they not hadthe camera.

 This is a picture of Aunt Kathy's Lilac Bush

And at Grandma's the Gooseberry plant the kids planted two years ago is finally going to produce its first year of berries. Now, I have to figure out what to do with them when they are ready to be picked. Any ideas?

The kids each have started a nature-journal. They have been drawing pictures of things they came across. Also added are worksheets and pressed flowers that they like.

I love the way that this unit is going, it really is easy to add new elements to the unit without any disruption. Half the time I don't even think they realize how much they are learning.

Some of the resources and ideas have been from various websites, some we made up as we went. I am going to try and share some of the resources that we used, as the unit progresses. I can see that this is going to be something that we will be spending a lot of time on, as they all enjoy it so much.

We have begun using/reading books like "The Big Handbook of Nature Study" and "The First Book of Plants". These resources were both shared by Homeschool Freebie of the Day.

I will share more resources soon.

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