Nature Walk (Part Two)

 Cheeky is love, love, loving the FREEDOM to explore!

 Here "Cheeky" is finding out that if you pull on a leaf, it will come off. He does try to put it back afterwards, LOL.

 Here my daughter is doing some entries into her nature journal. She has given me permission to take some pictures of it, but only after she makes it "perfect". I can't wait to show you some of what she has done in a later post.
 A very unusual mushroom we found at the bottom of a rotting tree trunk.

 The above two pictures are from a junk yard we stumbled upon.  I was not so prepared to see this on our trip. 

Cheeky found out that those big sticker bushes do actually stick. If you look closely you will see one dangling from his hand. It was stuck to his finger and he was trying to shake it off. Then mom had to come to the rescue to get rid of the "Big Bad Burr"

 A green bug that I was told I HAD to take pictures of.

 All the above pictures were taken while we stopped for a rest. I think I will cherish these most of all.

 I think this used to be for cattle, now it lies in hiding of the trees.

This was a rotting tree that was FULL of black ants. Although they didn't end up in this picture,they were feverishly scurring about.

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